Interesting git stats about Log4j.
Matt Sicker
2014-10-03 04:01:20 UTC
Using the git-extras command "git effort", you can see a list of files and
how often they've been modified and for how many days. Unsurprisingly, the
top two modified files in Log4j are the changes.xml file (currently with
572 commits) and the root pom.xml (with 361 commits). In general, the most
active files have been pom.xml files and manual pages which is pretty neat.
The Appenders manual page is the third most active file at 95 commits.

However, the more interesting stats are for the Java files. Here are the
top elevent most modified Java classes in Log4j (including the number of
commits) excluding two test classes that made it to the top thirteen:

core.config.AbstractConfiguration (49)
core.LoggerContext (37)
core.config.ConfigurationFactory (34)
core.layout.PatternLayout (32)
Level (31)
core.config.plugins.util.PluginManager (29)
core.config.plugins.util.PluginBuilder (29)
core.impl.ThrowableProxy (28)
core.impl.Log4jLogEvent (27)
core.async.AsyncLogger (26)
MarkerManager (26)

If you were wondering which files have only been modified on initial
commit, then you may be satisfied in knowing that most of those classes are
either unit tests, package-info.java files, and some trivial classes.
Matt Sicker <***@gmail.com>